Game: Fighting Frenzy: Swole Simulator ID:1101340
STEAMVOTE:100%, 2 Votes
Steamgame image
Fighting Frenzy: Swole Simulator
Datatyp Data
Description Do your friends and family make fun of you for not being swole enough? Play Swole Simulator! Try it out, It's worth a goof and a gaff. Disclaimer: The only muscle mass you may gain from playing this game is in your fingers.
Bundled 0
Cards 0
Release Day 2019-08-03
Wilson Score 0.43
Steam-% 100
Category Family Sharing Local Multi-Player Multi-player PvP Remote Play Together Shared/Split Screen Single-player
Genres Action Casual Early Access RPG Simulation
UserTags Action Casual Early Access Local Co-Op RPG Simulation


Datatyp Data
associations Developer: Luca Della Valentina-TorzilloPaul TonDavid J KimNikhil Singh
Publisher: Luca Della Valentina-Torzillo
community_hub_visible 1
eulas {"0":{"id":"1101340_eula_0","name":"Fighting Frenzy: Swole Simulator EULA","url":""}}
library_assets {"library_capsule":"en","library_hero":"en","library_logo":"en","logo_position":{"pinned_position":"UpperCenter","width_pct":"40.95682613768963","height_pct":"66.33816195677987"}}
metacritic_name Fighting Frenzy: Swole Simulator
original_release_date 1562569200
osextended macos64
oslist windows,macos
primary_genre 3
releasestate released
small_capsule {"english":"capsule_231x87.jpg"}
steam_release_date 1564850598
store_asset_mtime 1562630991
supported_languages {"english":{"supported":"true","full_audio":"true"}}
changenumber 7984898
root_ufs {"quota":"1000000","maxnumfiles":"5"}