Game: Live Hard, Die Hard ID:2550790
STEAMVOTE:0%, 0 Votes
Steamgame image
Live Hard, Die Hard
Datatyp Data
Description I can't live like this! But, I won't die like this either! Do you want a mix of hard battles and cutting-edge medical treatment?! Then Live Hard, Die Hard is the strategy game for you! Use violence and science to stop the invasion and get those pesky aliens off of our planet!
Bundled 0
Cards 0
Release Day 2023-09-07
Wilson Score 0
Steam-% 0
Category Partial Controller Support Single-player
Genres Indie RPG Simulation Strategy
UserTags 2.5D 2D Aliens Anime Auto Battler Cartoon Comic Book Cute Medical Sim Roguelite RPG RTS Sci-fi Simulation Split Screen Strategy Strategy RPG Tactical RPG Tower Defense Wargame


Datatyp Data
associations Developer: Asobism.Co.,Ltd
Publisher: Asobism.Co.,Ltd
community_hub_visible 1
controller_support partial
exfgls 8
library_assets {"library_capsule":"en","library_hero":"en","library_logo":"en","logo_position":{"pinned_position":"BottomLeft","width_pct":"31.51646944160116","height_pct":"58.32997966376311"}}
osarch 64
oslist windows
primary_genre 2
releasestate prerelease
small_capsule {"english":"capsule_231x87.jpg"}
store_asset_mtime 1692350483
supported_languages {"english":{"supported":"true","subtitles":"true"},"japanese":{"supported":"true","subtitles":"true"}}
changenumber 23299674