Game: Sonder ID:2692570
STEAMVOTE:88%, 226 Votes
Steamgame image
Datatyp Data
Description Experience an innovative co-op adventure where two players have to work together. Engage in collaborative puzzle solving and dynamic combat with each player having unique abilities. Delve into a psychological narrative that explores the essence of humanity.
Bundled 0
Cards 0
Release Day 2024-02-15
Wilson Score 0.84
Steam-% 88
Category Co-op Full controller support Local Co-op Multi-player Online Co-op Remote Play Together Remote Play on TV Shared/Split Screen Stats Steam Achievements Steam Cloud
Genres Casual Free to Play Indie
UserTags 2.5D Adventure Casual Cinematic Co-op Combat Dark Dark Fantasy Exploration Linear Local Co-Op Local Multiplayer Narration Platformer Puzzle Puzzle Platformer PvE Side Scroller Story Rich Stylized


Datatyp Data
associations Developer: Finally Games
Publisher: Finally Games
community_hub_visible 1
community_visible_stats 1
controller_support full
controllertagwizard 1
exfgls 3
library_assets {"library_capsule":"en","library_hero":"en","library_logo":"en","library_header":"en","logo_position":{"pinned_position":"BottomLeft","width_pct":"29.696616102683777","height_pct":"28.723405242112676"}}
osarch 64
oslist windows
primary_genre 23
releasestate released
review_percentage 86
review_score 8
small_capsule {"english":"capsule_231x87.jpg"}
steam_release_date 1708013126
store_asset_mtime 1706372780
supported_languages {"english":{"supported":"true"},"swedish":{"supported":"true"},"schinese":{"supported":"true"}}
isfreeapp 1
changenumber 23794508
root_ufs {"quota":"1000000","maxnumfiles":"5","savefiles":{"0":{"root":"WinAppDataLocal","path":"Sonder/Saved/SaveGames","pattern":"*.sav","recursive":"1"}}}