Game: Archon:Classic ID:65400
STEAMVOTE:82%, 173 Votes
Steamgame image
Archon:Classic +1
Datatyp Data
Description Inspired by chess, but adding combat that YOU control, Archon was the original Battle Chess. You must try to outmaneuver your opponent using teams of fantasy creatures or monsters in this epic struggle of Light and Dark.
Bundled 2
Cards 0
Release Day 2010-11-01
Wilson Score 0.79
Steam-% 82
Category Family Sharing Local Multi-Player Multi-player Partial Controller Support PvP Remote Play Together Single-player Steam Achievements Steam Leaderboards
Genres Indie Strategy
UserTags 4 Player Local Board Game Classic Indie Local Multiplayer Remake Retro Strategy


Datatyp Data
associations Developer: React Games
Publisher: React Games
community_hub_visible 1
community_visible_stats 1
controller_support partial
metacritic_name Archon Classic
primary_genre 2
review_percentage 82
review_score 8
small_capsule {"english":"capsule_231x87.jpg"}
steam_release_date 1288636800
supported_languages {"english":{"supported":"true"}}
gamedir Archon
installscript installscript.vdf
noservers 1
primarycache 65401
state eStateAvailable
changenumber 23599357
root_ufs {"quota":"104857600","maxnumfiles":"100","savefiles":{"0":{"root":"WinAppDataRoaming","path":"ReactGames/ArchonPC","pattern":"*","platforms":{"1":"Windows"}}}}