Game: Buddinpals - Take One Home With You !! ID:952050
STEAMVOTE:83%, 12 Votes
Steamgame image
Buddinpals - Take One Home With You !!
Datatyp Data
Description WOW! A Buddinpal! Yes, a Buddinpal of your very own. Buddinpals is a virtual pet game starring a cute race of creatures that eventually shows more depth.
Bundled 0
Cards 0
Release Day 2018-11-15
Wilson Score 0.47
Steam-% 83
Category Family Sharing Local Multi-Player Multi-player PvP Remote Play Together Single-player Steam Achievements
Genres Casual Indie Strategy
UserTags Casual Comedy Horror Indie Strategy


Datatyp Data
associations Developer: Dungeonation
Publisher: Dungeonation
community_hub_visible 1
community_visible_stats 1
library_assets {"library_capsule":"en","library_hero":"en","library_logo":"en","logo_position":{"pinned_position":"CenterCenter","width_pct":"53.38983223054407","height_pct":"94.94349762118091"}}
oslist windows
primary_genre 4
releasestate released
review_percentage 83
review_score 7
small_capsule {"english":"capsule_231x87.jpg"}
steam_release_date 1542311568
store_asset_mtime 1607043334
supported_languages {"english":{"supported":"true","full_audio":"true"}}
changenumber 22992581