Game: Tower Ascent ID:560340
STEAMVOTE:25%, 4 Votes
Steamgame image
Tower Ascent +1
Datatyp Data
Description Tower Ascent is a Virtual Reality climbing game, where the player is challenged to reach the top of each tower! Compete with other's time, or take your time finding just the right hand hold to reach the top. Master all the levels and reach the top as fast as you can!
Bundled 0
Cards 0
Release Day 2017-09-08
Wilson Score 0.17
Steam-% 25
Category Family Sharing Single-player Steam Leaderboards Tracked Motion Controller Support VR Only
Genres Casual Indie Racing Simulation Sports
UserTags Casual Indie Racing Simulation Sports VR


Datatyp Data
associations Developer: KitTheNinjaAte134FFTG - NateKanestapler
Publisher: KitTheNinja
community_hub_visible 1
controllervr {"steamvr":"1"}
metacritic_name Tower Ascent
onlyvrsupport 1
openvrsupport 1
osarch 64
oslist windows
playareavr {"standing":"1","roomscale":{"width":"2","depth":"1.5"}}
primary_genre 23
releasestate released
small_capsule {"english":"capsule_231x87.jpg"}
steam_release_date 1504842308
store_asset_mtime 1487212578
supported_languages {"english":{"supported":"true"}}
changenumber 16966593